NSCHBC Education Committee
NSCHBC Education Committee
Education Committee Co-Chairs
Amanda L. Waesch, J.D.

Reed Tinsley, CPA, CHBC

Education Committee Purpose
The purpose of the Education Committee is to provide exceptional educational
opportunities and resources that enhance the expertise and capabilities of the
NSCHBC members.
The Education Committee serves as one of the pillars of NSCHBC’s mission and in furtherance of NSCHBC’s vision, which is to be the driving force behind healthcare business consulting at a national level.
By developing and delivering innovative and comprehensive educational programs, the Education Committee ensures that NSCHBC consultants are well-equipped to
navigate the evolving and ever-changing medical and dental landscapes.
The Education Committee is committed to fostering a culture of continuous learning
where subject matter expertise is identified, innovation thrives, and professional
growth and development is prioritized.
Together, the members of the Education Committee strive to provide a comprehensive educational platform to serve as a catalyst for healthcare consulting excellence in both the medical and dental fields, which, in turn, ensures that the NSCHBC is the premier, nationally-renowned organization for healthcare business consulting professionals.