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NSCHBC - Our Vision, Mission, History

NSCHBC - Our Vision

Our vision is to be the driving force behind healthcare business consulting where expertise is expected, innovation thrives and ultimately together we are not just consultants, we are catalysts for excellence in medical/dental business practices.

NSCHBC - Our Mission

The mission of the NSCHBC is to advance the profession of healthcare business consultants through

1. Education,

2. Certification and

3. Collaboration

for an ever changing medical/dental landscape.

NSCHBC - Our History

The National Society of Certified Healthcare Business Consultants (NSCHBC) was founded July 1st, 2006. Its history began when members of the Institute of Certified Healthcare Business Consultants, the National Association of Healthcare Consultants, and the Society of Medical Dental Management Consultants came together to form one society to best serve practices across all fields.

The goal of the NSCHBC is the creation of a strong united organization formed from the memberships of the three prior groups. NSCHBC combines the talents, skills, and knowledge of these three separate groups to form a society that can better serve the healthcare community as a whole. We aim to provide invaluable resources, education, and networking to our members.

The National Association of Healthcare Consultants was formed in 1993 by members of the Society of Professional Business Consultants, which was originally formed in 1957. Its purpose was to provide a wide range of educational programs and benefits, promote the services of its member consultants to the healthcare industry, and sponsor a professional certification program for its members.

The Society of Medical Dental Management Consultants (SMDMC) was formed in 1968 to advance the profession of healthcare consulting, the sharing of management techniques, and the improvement of individual skills. SMDMC was instrumental in elevating the field of consulting by participating in the development of the Institute of Certified Healthcare Business Consultants.

The Institute of Certified Healthcare Business Consultants was formed in 1975 to establish standards of qualifications and ethics for practice management and financial planning consultants/individuals/firms, who concentrate on serving the business needs of medical and dental offices.

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