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NSCHBC Code of Ethics


This Code of Ethics (“Code”) has been proposed by the Committee on Bylaws and Ethics and approved by the Membership of the NSCHBC in accordance with its Bylaws. This Code applies to all Members of the NSCHBC. Therefore, all Members are expected to read and understand this Code, uphold these standards in day-to-day activities, comply with all applicable policies and procedures as well as laws, rules, and regulations; and ensure that all agents and contractors are aware of, understand and adhere to these standards.

A. Ethical conduct is critical to the operations of the NSCHBC. All NSCHBC Members shall comply with the following standards:

  1. Conduct themselves with integrity, high moral purpose, and in the best interest of the NSCHBC, its Members, clients, volunteers, vendors and affiliates;
  2. Conduct themselves in accordance with this Code and the NSCHBC’s Alcohol Consumption and Possession Policy, and all other policies and procedures of the NSCHBC;  
  3. Comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including refraining from conduct constituting criminal or civil moral turpitude;  
  4. Not, for personal advantage, subordinate their judgment to others or exploit client relationships, including those relationships made in connection with the NSCHBC;  
  5. Avoid, or disclose fully in writing, to the Executive Committee all actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest that might arise out of financial relationships attributable to the Member, or any affiliate or family member of the Member;   
  6. Assume only those responsibilities and duties for which the Member is qualified;  
  7. Understand that as a representative of the NSCHBC, the Member’s actions will influence other’s perceptions of the NSCHBC;   
  8. Work to advance the mission, vision, and goals of the NSCHBC and not the Member’s personal agenda or interests;  
  9. Value colleagues, peers and staff and treat all Members to a welcoming professional and respectful atmosphere that is free of discrimination, harassment and retaliation of any kind for any reason;  
  10. Will not intentionally injure or impugn the professional reputation or practice of other NSCHBC Members or any NSCHBC contractors or vendors;  

B. Any Member who is or will be certified will agree to obey the rules of conduct in all test taking procedures whether serving as a proctor or student. Any types of cheating or behavior not befitting a Member of the NSCHBC will be deemed unethical conduct not in accordance with this Code.

C. Members of the NSCHBC may use the professional designation, “Member of (this Society’s full name or the abbreviation, NSCHBC)” only in a dignified and professional manner. The only proper use of the professional designation in advertising media shall be the designation itself. In print or electronic advertising media, the professional designation shall be used only after the name of the holder of such designation and in type no larger than the type used in his/her name. The professional designation shall not be used in the text in such advertising.

D. Use of the Society name, logo or trademark for any purpose, except by an individual member in accordance with regulations determined by the Committee on Bylaws and Ethics, is expressly prohibited. Use of the Society name, logo or trademark for any other purpose or in any other manner shall be permitted only upon the written approval of the Executive Committee following a Member’s application in which the purpose and scope of the proposed use is detailed.

E. In the event any Member fails to adhere to the standards of this Code, the NSCHBC can take all legal and equitable disciplinary action available to it, including, but not limited to:

  1. Informal discussions by a member of the Executive Committee with the Member;
  2. Formal, written notice by the Executive Committee of the Member’s violation of this Code;  
  3. Prohibition by the Executive Committee of the Member’s attendance at in-person NSCHBC events;  
  4. Requirement that the Member undergo specialized training;
  5. Suspension of the Member’s membership;  
  6. Termination of the Member’s membership; and/or
  7. Revocation of the Member’s CHBC certification. This list is for illustrative purposes only and nothing herein shall be construed so as to limit the disciplinary action imposed by the Executive Committee for a violation of this Code.

F. Ethics complaints should be sent in writing to the Executive Committee. The matter will be kept confidential as it is investigated. If necessary, relevant Committees and advisors may be consulted and included in the process. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to make a final determination as to whether a violation of this Code has occurred. The affected Member shall have no appeal rights with respect to the final determination of the Executive Committee. Where laws have been violated, the NSCHBC will cooperate fully with the appropriate authorities.

G. The NSCHBC is committed to continuously reviewing and updating its policies and procedures. Therefore, this Code is subject to modification. This Code supersedes all other such codes, policies, procedures, instructions, practices, rules or written or verbal representations to the extent they are inconsistent.

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