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NSCHBC Nominating Committee

NSCHBC Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee Chair
Victoria Rodriguez, CHBC, CPA






The NSCHBC Nominating Committee, unlike other committees within the organization, consists of a set of five members, three from the Executive Committee and two elected. The Past-President presides as the Chair of the Nominating Committee. The President and President-Elect hold two other seats. Finally, two non-Executive Committee members are elected to the Nominating Committee by the Voting Members at the Annual Meeting.

Mission & Role of the Nominating Committee

The profound obligation of the Nominating Committee is to select highly qualified candidates from the organization’s Active and CHBC certified members, who are interested in assuming a leadership role in directing the business of the Society, while serving on the Board of Directors. Board members serve for a term of three years. In addition, the Nominating Committee selects a special candidate each year for the Executive role of Secretary-Treasurer. This role requires a 4-year commitment from the individual since the Secretary-Treasurer will automatically ascend to the positions of President-Elect, followed by President, and, eventually, Chair of the Nominating Committee as Past-President. Board member candidates are placed on slate and voted on by the Active Members during the Business meeting at the Annual Conference. Proxies are made available to members who cannot attend the Annual Conference. In addition to these duties, the Nominating Committee also develops guidelines, policies, and procedures related to election and balloting to be approved by the Board as needed.

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