2024 Annual Conference
Schedule click here!
We have the first draft of the schedule. There may be a small change or a speaker added so check back for any updates.
Registration fee includes Vendor Opening Reception, continental breakfasts, refreshment breaks, lunches, President’s Awards Reception, and conference materials.
Members – register before May 3rd for Early Bird rate.
Registrants must purchase a full registration; no refunds will be given for functions not attended. Please contact Carol Wynne (cwynne@nschbc.org) regarding any questions or complaints.
Cancellation Policy: Registration fees, less a $100 administrative fee, will be refunded if written notice is received by May 3, 2024. Requests for refunds will not be honored after May 4, 2024.
Registrants must acknowledge that they have read and understand the NSCHBC Event Waiver, the NSCHBC Code of Conduct Policy, and the NSCHBC Alcohol Policy on the registration form.
Spouse/Guest Registration
Registration includes Vendor Opening Reception, continental breakfasts, and President’s Awards Reception. This does not include educational sessions.
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
650 15th St, Denver, CO 80202
(303) 436-1234
All educational sessions and events will take place at the hotel, not the Convention Center.
Unfortunately, despite adding additional rooms to our group, the Hyatt Regency Denver is completely booked the week of our conference. We apologize for any inconvenience! This is the first time this has ever happened.
There are numerous hotels in the area that may have availability. Let us know how we can help if you are still needing a hotel room.
The Foundation for Education in Healthcare is a non-profit 501 c 3 organization dedicated to improving healthcare delivery through the education of practice management consultants. Your contribution (large or small) is tax deductible and will go to support this conference and future educational activities. For more information visit: www.nschbc.org/about-nschbc/foundation.
How you can support the Foundation
The Foundation receives funding from individual donors, foundations, government grants, industry publications, healthcare systems, product vendors, healthcare providers and their organizations, practice management consultants and other potential givers.
Contributions may be given to existing or newly endowed chairs at levels of Platinum ($50,000), Gold ($25,000), Silver ($10,000) or Bronze ($5,000). Funds of endowed chairs are restricted and must be received within 5 years to endow a chair in honor of a colleague or organization, please contact NSCHBC’s Executive Director, Carol Wynne, cwynne@nschbc.org.
Contributions under $5,000 are unrestricted and may be made at any time using this Paypal link:

Inquiries can also be mailed to:
Friends of the Foundation
11654 Plaza America Dr. #199
Reston, VA 20190